Saturday, November 7, 2015

Tricks and Tools: Home-made Dremel sanding drums

Hello again!  I've gone a while without any updates, so I figured I'd pop in and share a cool new trick I found on Instructables on how to make your own sanding drums for your Dremel tool.  This was a great find for me, as I just bought a big pack of wet/dry sandpaper sheets and am already incredibly sick of trying to sand everything by hand.  My Dremel only came with very low grit sanders, which aren't exactly useful when your prints don't come out looking like hell, so I'm eager to try these out.  It's too late for my coasters, but I'm gonna put a few of these together for my Dragon Priest mask in the hopes that it'll speed up sanding significantly.  My little arms are tired!

Disclaimer: making your own sanding drums might be dangerous, as they could fall apart and get flung towards your face or otherwise injure you or your Dremel.  Please use this tip with caution.  I'll report back if something terrible comes from this experiment!